gratis lørdag.

Hej dejlige mennesker!

Jeg ved godt det er lidt sent at skrive om i lørdags, men jeg har bare haft så meget jeg skulle nå, så jeg har slet ikke haft tid til at skrive om det før nu..
MEN!.. lørdag var en super fantastisk dag!.. Og så var alt det jeg “skulle” den dag tilmed helt gratis! (..hvilket er ret praktisk når nu man, ligesom mig, ikke har nogle penge overhovedet i et godt stykke tid endnu)..

Først og fremmest!.. Vejret var SÅ FANTASTISK GODT dén dag – Fuck, det var lækkert altså!.. Det ville jeg bare lige have ud af mit system :) :)
Ps. billederne i det her indlæg er desværre bare taget med mobil, da jeg dum som jeg er, kom til at glemme at tage mit hukommelseskort med til mit spejlrefleks, æv..

Well, vi startede med at tage ind på Kultorvet, hvor der var stillet op til et event kaldet “Juice it up” – Konceptet gik ud på at man fik en gratis juice/ smoothie, hvis man lovede at gøre noget der frembringer et smil på et andet menneskes læber. Dét man havde tænkt sig at gøre, skulle man så skrive ned på et “postkort”, der så ville blive hængt op på tørresnore sammen med alle de andres. Jeg elsker virkelig dét koncept – jeg synes det var sådan en fin idé :)


Samtidig, også på Kultorvet, havde Hare Krishna folket stillet op med lækker, gratis vegetarmad og skøn musik til deres “Vegetarisk Lørdag” – Maden smagte virkelig godt og stemningen var bare i top, og så var de alle sammen bare så flinke, altså.
“Vegetarisk Lørdag” er et arrangement, der er arrangeret af folk fra det Internationale Samfund for Krishnabevidsthed (ISKCON i Danmark) og går ud på at introducere mange flere mennesker til hvor godt vegetarmad er og kan smage, da de mener at en vegetarisk livsstil er med til at forbedre ens helbred og klimaet.
Dermed holder de simpelthen “Vegetarisk Lørdag” en gang i mellem, om lørdagen fra 13:00 – 16:00, hvor der er mulighed for et gratis vegetarisk måltid – På lørdag er det på Christianshavns Torv, at det sker, og lørdag d. 29. juni er det på Kultorvet igen – Kom glad!


Da vi så havde fået vores juice og spist et lækkert vegetarisk måltid, tog vi så til Valby!.. Der skulle nemlig være “store-vand-lege-dag” på Toftegårds Plads – det var dog mest små skrigende unger der løb rundt og kastede med vand på hinanden, så vi tog os bare en slapper i den dejlige varme sol med et glas saftevand.. Det var nu også meget hyggeligt! :)


Ja, så det var lidt om min lørdag! Jeg håber også alle I andre havde en dejlig lørdag i lørdags :)

Hav en dejlig dag! <3

LIKE min facebookside for updates omkring nye indlæg, videoer, billeder, mm.

sick of being sick.

I’m so sorry I haven’t been blogging for quite some time now, I’ve just been sick since sunday night, so I didn’t really feel like it..

Btw. I’m so fucking tired of being sick all the time…. I get sick almost every single time I decide to do something good and healthy for myself and my body – Friday, my boyfriend and I decided to start working out a lot more, than what we’ve been doing so far since we joined our local fitness center and we actually made a plan for this week, so we would actually do it, which said we had to exercise 4 days out of the 7… – Then I got sick… and you shouldn’t exercise when you’ve caught a cold and a fever.. 
This happens to me ALL THE FUCKING TIME!..

I remember a little over 2 years ago; I’ve been struggling with losing weight and finding the motivation and the right way to do it since I got back home from America (in 2009), where I was living and going to school as an exchange student for a year – I had gained over 10 kilos while staying there… In the mid-end of 2010 I finally found my motivation! I went to the gym 5-6 days a week (some weeks 7 days a week), while trying to eat as healthy as I could (while living at home) and then I went on a “no-sugar”-diet as well(which to me meant, no candy, no cake, no soda, no chips, no ice cream, no chocolate, no white bread, pasta or rice etc.). It all went so well! But in the beginning I actually only gained weight, and I was so sad because my weight just kept going up, even though I knew it was just muscles and even though I knew I lost centimeters all over my body – I just didn’t like to see the weighing scale go up all the time… Well, finally after gaining a little over 6 kilos of muscle, I started losing weight – fat, this time! I was so overly super happy that day, I remember, and it just got me even more motivated – What I was doing was working – my hard work was paying off!
BUT! I didn’t get to lose more than about 3 kilos of fat before all of my hard work was ruined…….. In december 2010, I got mono (aka. the “kissing disease”) and I just couldn’t do anything else than lie in my bed or on the couch for a month.. I lost weight rapidly, just not in a good way.. ’cause what I lost was all of the muscle I had just built up, and while that was happening I gained all of the fat I had just lost – which meant; I was now set back to square one.. 
I started school again in january 2011, even though I wasn’t all better yet, and wasn’t allowed to speak for 2 weeks, because I was that hoarse and had almost completely lost my voice for 5 weeks at that point.
In april 2011, I could finally start exercising again, but I had to start up slowly – I was in such a bad shape and had the worst condition EVER, right there.. I could only stay on the cross trainer for 5 minutes, tops! – and that was actually pushing myself to the limit.

Well, at least I’m in better shape now, but I’ve been fighting to get my motivation back ever since…. and every time I get it back, I get sick… So I mean it’s really like someone just doesn’t wants me to succeed.. It’s really like someone just wants to make it hard for me.. I really don’t get it?
Well, that was it.. I was just trying to make out my point with an example – I know it was sort of a loooooong example though, haha sorry :)

I so hope I’m feeling better tomorrow so I can start working out and eating healthy again! :D 

Goodnight, I need to get some more rest now :*


I’m tired… I’m so tired of always “having to be” this super overly happy Silje, which I almost always seem to be, unless people know me to the core.
I’m tired of smiling and laughing when all I really want is to crumple up in a corner and just cry.
I’m tired of being tired and I’m tired of that I just cannot act “normal” and be in a plain mood, when that is how I really feel…. Just plain – simple… ordinary… no pattern….. just… one color.   

Why do I keep making myself seem even happier than I am when I am at my happiest.. when I am really dying inside?
I’ve put myself in this situation. I can’t get out. This is how I am in their eyes. Always….
If I stop pretending now, they’d think I had changed. They’d think I wasn’t being me. They’d think something would be wrong. Because this is how it is. This is who I am.

They think they know, they know me. The truth is; they don’t. They only know the façade.
A couple of times they’ve seen, through tiny holes, what’s hiding behind the walls I built – but they’ve never seen what’s hiding in the caves.

I wish I could stop putting a mask on. I’m not in control. It’s like I do not have a choice. But… I know I have a choice. My “select” button just broke – and I’m too broke to fix it.


I’m sorry if this post was too melancholic, I normally don’t do these sorts of posts, but I just had to get some things out of my system… If you don’t like posts like this, that’s okay, this is mostly just for myself.
I got the inspiration, for letting my feelings out this way, from my boyfriends sister, who’s got a blog as well.
This is her video, which inspired me (it’s in danish though):

Ps. I might do a post or two more – this style – I’m not done yet.

Goodnight :)


Today I decided that I wanted to do my nails, so I did :)

I normally don’t wear nailpolish, to be honest, even though I have so many different colors (well, I want to be better at wearing it..) and every single time I paint my nails, I never remove it afterwards, not even when it starts to flake off.. I just wait for it to vanish all by it self..
Also, I have a hard time pulling myself together to cut my nails.. I normally just let them grow until they split (but I hate that! eeww, so I should really cut them more often).
But well, today!!!.. (daaahhhdaaaahhhdaaahdaaaaaaahhhmm) …I actually removed my old nailpolish (which I have been wearing from a week before new year’s), cut my nails, made a hand spa for myself, put a whole lot of moisturizer on my hands afterwards and then I painted my nails! :D

Here you have some before and after photos:



Ps. I’m sorry that my fingers are so red in the last two photos, but it’s just freezing in our apartment, so like.. I can’t help it.

Pps. I’m gonna try to do a whole lot more “before & after”-posts with different things regularly, if people want that.

way to go, sil…. just ruined your own life.. nice job! -.-‘ (well, exaggeration promotes understanding, as they say).
In one of my earlier posts I talked about our new pescetarian lives – and we’ve been doing really good since actually :) Although, from the beginning we introduced a rule, that we would have one day a week where we would be allowed to eat meat besides fish and shellfish, but only because we had meat in the freezer that we would have eat up, ’cause it would’ve been a waste of food and money to just throw it out. But the rule is only temporary, it’s cancelled whenever our freezer runs out of meat (luckily, I’m saying now).

So yeah, tonight Christian (my boyfriend) was at a friend’s house for dinner, so I just ate the leftovers from a lasagne we had in the freezer, ’cause there was only just enough for one person in the box…. I should’ve NEVER ate that – ’cause I felt so bad afterwards! ..Even though I didn’t even eat the whole thing.. I actually ended up throwing half of it out after I almost completely ripped it from carrots, pees, corns, tomato chunks and mushrooms  – I tried to eat as little meat as possible, because I already felt kinda sick after the first three bites..
I know it’s probably all mental and stuff, but really I don’t understand it! Because of my stupid brain I can’t even eat meat anymore, what has happened to me!? I used to be the craziest “meat-eater”!
Right now I have a headache, I feel so nauseous, my stomach is in cramps, my whole body feels weak and heavy and I’m really dizzy – aaaanndd, right after I “finished” my meal I ran out to the toilet because I thought I was gonna throw up… AWESOMEEEE!

My biggest concern now though is, that what about when we visit people for dinner???!! We said from the beginning on, that we didn’t want to be piggy and everything or expect special treatment when we’re eating at someone’s house just because we normally don’t eat meat, and that we should always just eat what’s served… but I’m not even sure I can keep that anymore.. If I’m going to feel this way everytime I eat meat.. woah, I don’t even know what to do?.. I’m so frustrated right now and I don’t even know how to think!

..I hope you guys have a better evening than me.. well, in any case, I’m sending you all my love – and have a great night :* <3

Btw. I put up my blog on bloglovin’ last night, if anyone wants to follow me :)
..Uh!.. and also, if you ever feel like commenting eather one of my posts, you don’t have to comment in english just because I write in english… so if you’re from Denmark, you can always comment in danish and I’ll respond in danish too – just wanted to make that clear, if anyone was in doubt about that :)

Bye <3

Just a random photo of my boyfriend and I, that was taken a couple of weeks ago :)