1 month.

Seriously people!..

I. am. SO. freaking.. proud of myself!!! like you don’t even understand!
It is now one month ago since I stopped using nasal spray! (the 17th, to be exact).. I feel so good about it :) ..actually, to be honest, I haven’t been any more proud of myself before in my life – and that says ALOT!.. I can really tell how addicted I was, more than ever now :O waauuww…
But well, I can tell you that it haven’t been easy, like AT ALL!.. It’s been one tough month without nasal spray…. and I still have the empty nasal sprays, hehe…. I still can’t get myself to throw them out – it’s kinda comforting to have them standing there on my window sill… At least I don’t bring them to school anymore.. that’s a good thing :)
…Woah, I still feel congested sometimes (or more like at some point every day, actually) and like I can’t always breathe properly yet, but it happens rarer now, so that’s nice – Before I felt like that alllllll the timeee, so it’s a huge improvement! :)
Also I found that I almost forgot how it felt to breathe normally, because I’ve been having the nasal spray “do all the breathing for me”.. like my breathing was fake or something before.. It’s crazy to think about really.
Also, I still reeeeaaalllyyyyy want to use nasal spray – I just feel this sort of NEED still!.. BUT, I’m constantly telling myself “NO,” because it’s just not good for me!

Well, my conclusion is stil; DON’T get addicted to nasal spray!… No really, just fucking STAY AWAY from that shit! Trust me – you’re better off without it!

*Check out my first post on “nasal spray” and how dangeorous it is right HERE.

Also go give my facebook page a LIKE to receive updates on new posts and to follow me.

Btw. I might be doing a giveaway soon! (If there is something I really love, it is giveaways.. I just never win anything, so I figured it would be fun to make my own – Stay tuned!)


Have a great day beautiful people :*

café klædeskabet.

So I promised I would do a post/ review on “Café Klædeskabet” in Aalborg.. first of all, I think I might actually do this review in Danish, because after all it is a Danish café.. BUT! if any of you guys who are not from denmark must know, I can highly recommend you stopping by Café Klædeskabet if you’re once in Aalborg, Denmark.

Well, Bare lige så vi har det på det rene; Jeg ELSKER Café Klædeskabet! Det er virkelig bare sådan et hyggeligt sted :)
Atmosfæren er bare “nice and cozy” og stedet er indrettet virkelig flot og kreativt i lækreste vintage-stil.. en gang i mellem ville jeg ønske jeg kunne bo der haha, eller i hvert fald at møblerne var mine ;)
Udover det, er det indrettet sådan at i den ene ende er der “café-område”, hvor folk sidder og spiser og drikker og/ eller arbejder på deres computer eller læser avis og sådan, og i den anden ende er der tøj, sko, tasker og diverse ting man kan se på/ købe – deraf navnet “Café Klædeskabet”, går jeg stærkt ud fra :)

Og så er der maden – for det første er det nogle vildt cool menukort man får lov at kigge i! De har simpelthen sat deres menu ind i LP-covers, super kreativt.
Maden er virkelig lækker – næsten alt er hjemmelavet og det virker alt sammen til at være ret sunde alternativer til ens morgenmad, frokost eller snacks. Jeg har selv prøvet lidt forskelligt hos dem og jeg har elsket det hver gang! 
Sidst jeg var der fik jeg en hjemmebagt grovbolle med tun, spinat, tzatziki og tomat og en af deres smoothies til – min farmor fik det samme at spise som mig, bare med rugbrød i stedet, og så en latte til – det var lækkert! :)

Det eneste dårlige jeg har at sige, er at man altså ikke altid kan regne med at der er plads til en når man kommer, for stedet er ikke så stort igen, men det er jo også det der er med til at give det charmen, ellers var det vel ikke et “klædeskab” ;)

Her er et par billeder af stedet:

– Så HUSK! ..hvis I bor i Aalborg, kommer forbi Aalborg eller er tæt på, ville jeg anbefale jer at tage et smut forbi Café Klædeskabet, der ligger på Søndergade 3 – det er hyggeligt og her til sommer tror jeg vist nok også man kan sidde udenfor, herligt! :)

Tjek deres hjemmeside ud HER for at læse menuen og se de mærker af tøj de bl.a. gemmer i klædeskabet, møs :*

* Ps. Like min facebookside HER og få updates omkring nye posts. 



Aalborg is one of my ultimate favorite cities in the whole wide world!.. I always enjoy being here, that’s for sure – I love the city, I love the nature, and I most of all love the family and friends I’ve got here, it’s so nice :) :)

This time, we’ve been here since sunday and sadly we’re already going home tomorrow :(
I brought my SLR camera along with me, which I got to capture some pretty neat moments with!.. Just take a look at these photos:

March 24th

We arrived at my grandparents’ house, where we normally stay when we’re in Aalborg – I was a little tired after the long drive, haha :D


I just fooled around the house a little, taking pictures of their home ;)


March 25th

My dad and I went to Fitness.dk to work out together and later on we went to “Bone’s” to get dinner – I ate WAAAYYY too much food (like always).. I had a huge bowl of salad, corn on the cob, onion rings, and fried potato slices with a whiskey sauce on the side.. as I said; waaaayyyy too much food! :D


The 46 big and beautiful roses were from my grandpa to my grandma, because it was their 46th anniversary this day – so cute <3

March 26th

I went out shopping with my grandma, where she made me choose my own easter present.. I chose a bag for my SLR and a tripod for it as well, and then I also got two pairs of leggins – I was a happy kid yesterday! haha :)


Afterwards we went to “Café Klædeskabet” to grab a bite to eat – I will do a post later on, where I will review the place and tell you guys about it, so stay tuned!


Later that same day; the “windmill factory” was on fire! :O ..I know it’s serious, but I had to get some pictures of the thick black smoke!

At night, one of my best friends and I went down to the inlet to take pictures of the sunset – It was beautiful! <3


March 27th aka. today

My dad and I went to Fitness.dk once again – It was SO nice to work out! :)
….and then other than that and a shower, I haven’t been doing much yet haha… so yeah.. I hope you guys are enjoying this easter break :) :) 

nasal spray.

I am SO happy and I feel SO SO proud of myself today!!!.. The reason for that, is that I haven’t used my nasal spray for 3 days now! 3 fucking whole days! I am one little proud girl! :D Wauw, I really sound like an addict right now haha – but really I actually am…..

I’ve been addicted to nasal spray on/ off since I was like 4 years old, so this is like a really big deal for me! ..This last period, I was addicted to it for 18 weeks, and it says on the label on the nasal sprays that you shouldn’t use them for more than max. 10 days in a row, 3 times a day… I used it 6 times a day for 18 weeks… wauw it’s so dumb.. At least, in the end I only used it 2-4 times a day – combined with this saltwater nasal spray I’ve also got.. But 3 days ago, I decided to just stop even though my nose was all clogged up – so I did :) :)

I’ve stopped using nasal spray soooo many times before, and then short after, I was addicted again… I always felt the same way when I stopped, but this time I felt different from any of the other times that I had stopped – And I realized something….. the sadest part is that, I actually found out that it had all been mental.. It was all just up in my head… I thought I was just addicted in the sense of the nasal spray working the opposite way because I had used it too much and that was why I got clogged up the whole time… But it wasn’t like that….. I had actually been addicted to it for real… Everytime my nose was clogged up, it was myself who had created it in my head… Like, you could tell it was that way, because everytime I’ve felt clogged up these past days.. I just had to relax and wait for maybe 30 minutes and then I just wasn’t clogged up anymore… then it happened again, and I did the same thing.. and then it just disappeared?.. This happened over and over again… but today I kinda had it all under control, so I haven’t been clogged up at all today actually! YAY!! I feel good :D I also realized that I’ve really got a problem, ’cause even though I’ve been able to breathe perfectly fine through my nose today, I have been SO close to using my nasal spray! The entire day I’ve had to tell myself “no!” – I really feel like I just need it!!… I think it has had a calming affect on me, and maybe that’s why?.. But it’s kinda sick to think about, that I got to be so addicted……

Well, now I’m just looking forward to hopefully a lot more days without that stupid nasal spray and I will let you guys know how I’m doing, staying away from it in the future – I need to… ’cause what’s really sad is that I know I can’t use nasal spray anymore for the rest of my life, because I can feel that, if I just use it ONCE again in maybe 5 years – BAHM! then I’m right back and addicted again…….. and I don’t want to be, even though I already miss it..

GUYS! Promise me something; DO NOT GET ADDICTED TO NASAL SPRAY….. EVER!!!.. and if you already are… then STOP!.. I’m telling you to stay away from that shit! It can ruin your taste buds and olfaction… just saying – And you don’t want that.. Trust me!


Waaaaauuuww!.. I just did 590 words on nasal spray! haha :D

Goodnight people <3

valentines day.

So I know a lot of people hate valentines… Well, I don’t :)
I like valentines day – So let me just tell you about my valentines day (I know it was like a week ago, but I didn’t have a computer a then – so I haven’t been able to blog about anything that has happened in my life for the past 2 weeks).. Valentines day was also the day my boyfriend and I had been together for 20 months, so it was a “special” day to me ;)

Well, we woke up and ate breakfast and everything every other person does in the morning, you know.. then I took a shower and afterwards I was thrown out of my own apartment by my boyfriend – but only so he could prepare special things for me :)
When I got back home, I opened the door to the living room and saw this:

IMG_1207I read the card from him and the last sentence said I had to look underneath the owl, so I did – and there was…. MOVIE THEATRE TICKETS FOR FUCKING “BEAUTIFUL CREATURES” (a previewing of the movie that same night), I was so happy – I had been dying to watch that movie when it came out! So that was a nice surprise :D

IMG_1233IMG_1223After that surprise, 20 minutes or so past and we had to leave.. My boyfriend took me to this restaurant I just love, called BioMio, for an early dinner – so we had time to take it easy and to get to the movie theatre afterwards.
But well, you should all try to go to BioMio once – their food is so good and it’s all 100% organic! <3 ..Plus, their menu is so different, haha (:

After we finished our meals, we then went to the movie theatre to Watch “Beautiful Creatures” and it was SOOOO good!!! Really, it’s such a good movie – each and every one of you should go watch it! It’s totally worth it :D ..It’s so good I just can’t wait for the last 3 of them to come out!.. AND, also it is so good it actually made me want to read the books!!! WHAT THE HELL!?? (For the people who don’t know this; I don’t read books… In fact I HATE books….. The only books I read are like “DIY”-books and “how to”-books…. So this is pretty impressive, that some movie could make me want to read the books, js)..
And actually…… I already bought the whole series on CDON.dk, now I’m just waiting for them to arrive! Haha, I’m such a geek….. :) 

Well, here I give you some of the other photos from that day (among those are photos of me and my boyfriend wearing awesome heart-shaped 3D-classes, they gave out at the movies, only so we could watch 2 trailers with them, haha):

Ps. I know the focus is set on the background here....

Ps. I know the focus is set on the background here….


Kentah playing with the leaves :) :)

Kentah playing with the leaves :) :)

IMG_1270IMG_1274IMG_1277 I also hope you guys had a great valentines this year :* <3