2 år.

Hej dejlige mennesker! <3

Så, i søndags fejrede mig og min kæreste vores 2 års dag – Vi havde godt nok 2 års dag om fredagen, men der lavede jeg Festivitas på min skole hele dagen indtil midnat, så der var ikke tid til at fejre det dér..

Vi tog så ud at spise på en restaurant om søndagen, hvor vi fik en lækker 3-retters menu og derefter tog vi på Fisketorvet for at se “Star Trek; Into Darkness” – super fed film, btw!!! SE DEN!


IMG_3853Jeg fik dette fine armbånd af min kæreste på dagen :) ^^


*Her er mit outfit, jeg havde på ud at spise og i biffen:

Til sidst har jeg lige en lille smule “gamle” billeder af mig og min kæreste :) ..dog ikke nogle helt gamle, da de ligger på min gamle computer, som jeg ikke har hos mig lige nu, desværre…
Ps. jeg ved godt vi er lidt underlige ;) hahaha

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Bye <3
Nyd det gode vejr mens det er der! Jeg har allerede fået en del farve i dag, men er dog også blevet lidt rød, desværre hehe :)

LIKE min facebookside for updates omkring indlæg, billeder, videoer, statusser mm.

Ps. Husk min GIVEAWAY alle sammen!

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Hej søde mennnsker,

Her den anden dag var jeg inde for at se “The Croods” i Empire, og jeg ville bare lige hurtigt fortælle jer alle sammen (inden den ikke går i biffen mere) at, I virkelig burde tage ind og se den! – Den er faktisk virkelig god og utroligt sjov! (..med lidt sort humor ind i mellem, haha) ..Men jeg troede egentlig bare det var en af de der typiske “ser-sjov-ud-i-reklamerne-men-er-det-ikke-i-virkeligheden”-film, hvis I forstår, men det er den ikke.. Den er rigtig god og alle burde lige give den en chance ;)
Ps. det var virkelig varmt den dag og mega dejligt vejr! Jeg havde taget alt for meget tøj på haha :D
Pps. Husk at I ikke må bruge jeres 3D-briller som solbriller! Det står selv på dem ;) hehe (så jeg valgte bare at have dem på hovedet, for at se lidt mere sommeragtig ud, haha I’m a dork)..


nam nam.

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Time to watch movies and eat candy from “Nam Nam Slik”!!!


Hi all you beautiful creatures!

I totally forgot to show you something after this long “blogging-break” I’ve been on…
I finally received the whole “Beautiful”-series of books!!! ..aaand I’m so excited to read them all! :D


Don’t you think the covers are beautiful? I do :) <3

valentines day.

So I know a lot of people hate valentines… Well, I don’t :)
I like valentines day – So let me just tell you about my valentines day (I know it was like a week ago, but I didn’t have a computer a then – so I haven’t been able to blog about anything that has happened in my life for the past 2 weeks).. Valentines day was also the day my boyfriend and I had been together for 20 months, so it was a “special” day to me ;)

Well, we woke up and ate breakfast and everything every other person does in the morning, you know.. then I took a shower and afterwards I was thrown out of my own apartment by my boyfriend – but only so he could prepare special things for me :)
When I got back home, I opened the door to the living room and saw this:

IMG_1207I read the card from him and the last sentence said I had to look underneath the owl, so I did – and there was…. MOVIE THEATRE TICKETS FOR FUCKING “BEAUTIFUL CREATURES” (a previewing of the movie that same night), I was so happy – I had been dying to watch that movie when it came out! So that was a nice surprise :D

IMG_1233IMG_1223After that surprise, 20 minutes or so past and we had to leave.. My boyfriend took me to this restaurant I just love, called BioMio, for an early dinner – so we had time to take it easy and to get to the movie theatre afterwards.
But well, you should all try to go to BioMio once – their food is so good and it’s all 100% organic! <3 ..Plus, their menu is so different, haha (:

After we finished our meals, we then went to the movie theatre to Watch “Beautiful Creatures” and it was SOOOO good!!! Really, it’s such a good movie – each and every one of you should go watch it! It’s totally worth it :D ..It’s so good I just can’t wait for the last 3 of them to come out!.. AND, also it is so good it actually made me want to read the books!!! WHAT THE HELL!?? (For the people who don’t know this; I don’t read books… In fact I HATE books….. The only books I read are like “DIY”-books and “how to”-books…. So this is pretty impressive, that some movie could make me want to read the books, js)..
And actually…… I already bought the whole series on CDON.dk, now I’m just waiting for them to arrive! Haha, I’m such a geek….. :) 

Well, here I give you some of the other photos from that day (among those are photos of me and my boyfriend wearing awesome heart-shaped 3D-classes, they gave out at the movies, only so we could watch 2 trailers with them, haha):

Ps. I know the focus is set on the background here....

Ps. I know the focus is set on the background here….


Kentah playing with the leaves :) :)

Kentah playing with the leaves :) :)

IMG_1270IMG_1274IMG_1277 I also hope you guys had a great valentines this year :* <3